Tag Archives: Cosmetic Bags

Tutorial – Cosmetic Bags

A friend of mine contacted me Monday morning regarding my clutch purses. She was looking for a birthday gift that she needed by Saturday. She saw one of the clutches she liked, wanted to know price and if I still had fabric. Of course, silly question right ladies. So the only worry was getting it by Saturday.

After running around like a chicken with its tail feathers gone doing errands I finally get home to start the project. Here I will tell you how to make a cosmetic bag, complete with pictures. You will notice that I was so into getting this custom order done, I actually sewed up the things not realizing I didn’t take a snap shot.

Pick your fabrics. Usually these cosmetic bags are 10 x 10, but I go 10 x something. Iron the heavy weight fuse able interfacing to the main fabric. You will be using a zipper larger than 10 inches. Now to the machine.

Place the lining and fabric back to back, placing the zipper on top of the main fabric with the zipper pull down. Since you will be using a zipper larger than 10 inches, you do not center it, just let the extra hang on both the top. Eventually you will be cutting the extra off. Then using your zipper foot, sew together. I used quilting clamps to hold the items in place to get a even straight stitch, not shown. After you have sewn the zipper on, then fold the fabric over to top stitch. I used YKK zipper and was able to use my regular presser foot to do the top stitch. There all done, now to do the other side.

Fold the other side with the lining on the outside, main fabric on the inside. Make sure all edges match up, even the raw edges to the best you can. You then change back to your zipper foot and sew. Oops guess what, I forgot a picture on how to top stitch the other side. You need to open the zipper all the way in order to fold the fabric and top stitch. Its a tight fit but can be done. Again I switched back to my presser foot and my top stitch was 3.5. Now you have your zipper done. (I will update with a picture next time I do another one of these cosmetic bags.) NOTE: See how the ends of the zipper hang over the fabric.


Now you sew the raw edges together, zipper in the “center” of the bag. Starting with the bottom first. What I do after I do a straight stitch I do a zig-zag next to the straight stitch, if you have a serger, you can use that as well. Being that I don’t serger the seam I cut close to the zig-zag. Now you are ready to do the top. When you do the top, make sure you open the zipper. You don’t want to sew the top of the zipper where the pull is because the pull has to be INSIDE the bag. Also you need a pull on the outside, I use a ribbon and place it in the center of the zipper (see picture #3). The ribbon is 3 1/2 and folded in half.

Now that you have completed the top of the cosmetic bag, again zig-zag or serger the top. You are now ready to do the box corners. You will be doing all 4 corners. Fold the corners and match the seam with the fold in the fabric. Take your ruler and measure 1 1/2 from the tip. Mark with a marker tool, then sew. Again you can serger that seam, but I just used a pinking shear to cut off the extra.

Now you are ready to turn your cosmetic bag right side out. Looks great doesn’t it. And my friend had her bags in not time! In the photo below you can see the size of the clutch bag compared to the cosmetic bag which is 10 x 16 but finished size is 6 x 5 x 3.


Cosmetic Bags

So thrilled to get those zippers I was off to the sewing room on Sunday to start making my cosmetic bags. Sure I did 4 a couple weeks ago but I had cut up fabric to make over a dozen, but I depleted my zipper stash. OMG now instead of just having a fabric stash, I have ZIPPERS!

As soon as chores and errands are done, up in the room. I just started working on them as fast as I could. Getting tired I finally put the machine to rest at 7 pm. Again these are fast, easy and great looking bags. I still have a lot of these to do, but I am looking forward to getting back in there and completing at least 12.

I have created a hand written tutorial on how to make these even though I did find them on youTube. I noticed that again these items are being sold over priced. Me I am charging a more reasonable price.

Check em out. Its getting late again and my lids are closing.



More Triangle Pouches

Since I didn’t use up all my zippers I continued last Wednesday in making more triangle pouches. Even though I like these a lot, I figured I would finish up what I had cut and wait to see what customers prefer the most over the pouches I have been making. I have been receiving feedback from personal friends and well Facebook people.

I noticed as I scouted around ETSY that this is a popular item, however again its the preference of the person.

Here are my remaining triangle pouches and I’ll see shortly if I should continue them. I did run across another form of pouch, however I have to study it to see how it is constructed.

These triangle pouches run around $ 8.50 a piece and I’ve seen people charging much more. From my stand point if you pay more than nine bucks, you’ve paid too much. Also when you look at pictures of handmade sewn items, you know you can zoom in to see the construction really close.

One nice feature of the triangle pouches… they fold up nicely. Heck I just keep my filled with my overnight items.